Member Spotlight: Vizient

Despite myriad challenges from COVID-19, The EPS team at Vizient has had a number of successes advancing human and environmental health: The biggest success in 2021 was the introduction of Vizient’s Environmentally Preferred Sourcing contract language. The new Environmentally Preferred Sourcing exhibit will be implemented in virtually all (96%) of medical/surgical product categories to encourage […]

HGPII Report Details GPO’s Role in Helping Health Care Supply Chain Navigate COVID-19

On Thursday, February 3rd, the Healthcare Group Purchasing Industry Initiative (HGPII) released its 16th Annual Report. This edition contains insights into the role of group purchasing organizations (GPOs) in responding to the critical issues facing the healthcare supply chain during the COVID-19 pandemic and provides policy direction focused on improving supply chain resiliency, as well […]