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HGPII Charter
The Healthcare Group Purchasing Initiative (HGPII) was established in 2005 by the nation’s nine major healthcare group purchasing organizations (GPOs). These GPOs pledged to adopt and implement a set of principles for business ethics and conduct that acknowledges and expresses their responsibilities to the public as well as to government entities which fund healthcare services in the United States.
Healthcare GPOs are an essential link in the supply chain of healthcare providers such as hospitals, clinics, and other delivery organizations. GPOs aggregate the purchasing activity of their members, thereby lowering costs in both the purchasing activity itself and in the prices at which products and services are purchased. GPOs also enable members to coordinate the collection of data, facilitate an improvement of systems essential to the quality of care as well as an overall reduction of costs.
By joining HGPII, member organizations pledge to follow both a set of Core Principles established by the Initiative and to participate in an ongoing dialogue with other GPOs and various organizations, such as the Department of Health and Human Services, regarding the most effective policies and procedures for implementing these Principles.
The HGPII Principles are:
- Each Signatory shall have and adhere to a written code of business conduct. The code establishes high ethical values and sound business practices for the Signator’s group purchasing organization.
- Each Signatory shall train all within the organization as to their personal responsibilities under the code.
- Each Signatory commits itself to work toward the twin goals of high quality healthcare and cost effectiveness.
- Each Signatory commits itself to work toward an open and competitive purchasing process free of conflicts of interest and any undue influences.
- Each Signatory shall have the responsibility to each other to share their best practices in implementing the Principles; each Signatory shall participate in an annual Best Practices Forum.
- Each Signatory, through its participation in this Initiative, shall be accountable to the public.
As they pursue these Principles, Signatories take a leading role in making the Principles a standard for the entire healthcare group purchasing industry, and a model for other healthcare industries.
Annual Public Accountability Questionnaire
On an annual basis, each Signatory organization files a report with the HGPII Coordinator that responds to the Annual Public Accountability Questionnaire (PAQ). These reports are available to the public, and are used by the HGPII Coordinator to compile a summary report on the adherence of Signatories to the Principles, as well as evolving Best Practices in fulfillment of the Principles. The PAQ captures information about each Member GPO’s business practices, codes of conduct, conflict of interest policies, fee structure, bid process, and many other in-depth issue areas.
HGPII consists of a Steering Committee, a Working Group, and an Initiative Coordinator that govern the Initiative.
The Steering Committee, which consist of the CEOs of all Signatory organizations, sets policies for HGPII, which are based on recommendations from the Working Group. (As the Initiative grows in size, the membership of the Steering Committee and Working Group may be limited to a representative group.)
The Working Group, which consist of one designee from each Signatory organization, is responsible for working with the HGPII Coordinator on ongoing initiatives, as well as other areas related to the management of the HGPII.
The HGPII Coordinator is the day-to-day operating officer of the organization and is responsible for planning and conducting meetings, including the annual Best Practices Forum, reviewing responses to the Annual Public Accountability Questionnaire, and preparing an annual report on the adherence of Signatories to the Principles and trends in Best Practices.
The Coordinator reviews the annual questionnaires for responsiveness, completeness, and accuracy, following up with participating organizations to recommend remedial action. The Coordinator also makes recommendations to the Working Group and the Steering Committee regarding the continued participation of organizations that do not take adequate remedial action.
Membership in HGPII is open to any healthcare GPO, including those entities in which group purchasing is only one of many activities of the organization. Upon joining HGPII, members must pledge to follow the Principles, to file the Public Accountability Questionnaire annually, and to participate in the annual Best Practice Forum.
HGPII does not anticipate refusing any good faith membership application or renewals, however, it does reserve the right to refuse or suspend membership privileges for cause.
HGPII Code of Conduct
The Healthcare Group Purchasing Industry Initiative (“Initiative”) is an independent and voluntary organization created to establish and assure implementation of the highest ethical standards and business conduct practices in the healthcare group purchasing industry. Each Signatory of the Initiative pledges to follow a set of six core ethical and business principles, to report annually on adherence to these Principles using an Annual Public Accountability Questionnaire, and to participate in an Annual Best Practices Forum to discuss best ethical and business conduct practices with other GPO representatives and interested parties. The six core principles underscore the healthcare group purchasing industry’s commitment to use ethical business practices to help healthcare providers provide quality patient care at the most manageable cost.
The Initiative’s six core principles are:
1. Each Signatory shall have and adhere to a written code of business conduct. The code establishes high ethical values and sound business practices for the Signatory’s group purchasing organization.
2. Each Signatory shall train all within the organization as to their personal responsibilities under the code.
3. Each Signatory commits itself to work toward the twin goals of high quality healthcare and cost effectiveness.
4. Each Signatory commits itself to work toward an open and competitive purchasing process free of conflicts of interest and any undue influences.
5. Each Signatory shall have the responsibility to each other to share their best practices in implementing the Principles; each Signatory shall participate in an annual Best Practices Forum.
6. Each Signatory, through its participation in this Initiative, shall be accountable to the public.
Each Signatory is committed to the full implementation of the six core Principles and shall not take any action that would be contrary to its intent and purpose. Each Signatory agrees to fully comply with the mandatory Healthcare Group Purchasing Code of Conduct Principles set forth below.
The Initiative also tracks how participating Signatories implement the Healthcare Group Purchasing Code of Conduct Principles through the Initiative’s annual accountability process. Each Signatory submits an Annual Public Accountability Questionnaire to provide further transparency to the public regarding how each Signatory has implemented the Healthcare Group Purchasing Code of Conduct Principles. This disclosure allows government officials and the public to assess the adequacy of each organization’s ethical and business practices.
The Healthcare Group Purchasing Industry Initiative Code of Conduct Principles:
1. Each GPO shall have and adhere to a written code of business conduct. The code establishes high ethical values expected for all within the Signatory’s organization.
- Each GPO’s distribution of code of business conduct (“Code”) shall include:
- Distributing the Code to all new employees during their employee orientation; and
- Making available the Code to all clinical advisory committee members, contractors, directors, agents and vendors.
- Each GPO’s oversight of its Code shall include:
- A compliance officer to be responsible for overseeing compliance with the Code;
- A compliance committee or similar committee to advise the compliance officer and assist in the implementation of the Code;
- A mechanism whereby employees can report possible violations of the Code without fear of retribution;
- A mechanism to evaluate, investigate and resolve suspected violations of the Code;
- A process to monitor on a continuing basis, adherence to the Code;
- A process whereby adherence to the Code is measured in job performance;
- A process to inform its Board of Directors committee or other appropriate committee regarding its adherence to its Code and its commitment to The Healthcare Group Purchasing Code of Conduct Principles; and
- A process to continually measure and improve upon the value of the GPO’s Code by evaluating best practices within the healthcare group purchasing industry.
2. Each GPO shall train all within the organization as to their personal responsibilities under the code.
- Each GPO’s Code training shall include:
- Providing all new employees training on the Code and any applicable law; and
- Providing periodic compliance training, guidance and education on the Code and any applicable law to employees, committee members, directors, officers, and any applicable contracting agents.
3. Each GPO commits itself to work toward the twin goals of high quality healthcare and cost effectiveness.
- Each GPO’s policies supporting high quality healthcare and cost effectiveness shall include:
- A policy that encourages a competitive marketplace for healthcare procurement;
- A policy that encourages members to purchase future medical technology and products determined to be innovative.
- A policy that promotes the evaluation of innovative medical technology and products; and
- A policy that promotes purchase of safe medical products.
4. Each GPO commits itself to work toward an open and competitive purchasing process free of conflicts of interest and any undue influences.
- Each GPO’s conflict of interest policies related to individuals shall include:
- A requirement that employees in a position to influence the GPO contracting process not accept any gifts, entertainment, favors, honoraria, or personal service payments other than those of a Nominal Value from any participating vendor*;
- A policy prohibiting its employees who are in a position to influence the GPO contracting decisions from having an Individual Equity Interest in any participating vendor** in the contract areas they influence;
- A policy that requires that any employee not covered under Section 4(a) (ii), and any officer, director, or a member of an advisory board of a GPO who accepts any gifts, favors, honoraria or personal services payments other than those of Nominal Value from any participating vendor to disclose such transactions to the appropriate governing body and for that individual to be recused from any negotiations or decisions related to such participating vendor;
- A policy that requires that any employee not covered under Section 4(a)(ii), officer, director, or a member of an advisory board of a GPO to disclose Individual Equity Interests in any participating vendor to the appropriate governing body and for that individual to be recused from any negotiations or decisions relating to such participating vendor; and
- A policy that requires all employees, directors, officers, and members of advisory boards to disclose information regarding any conflict of interest described in its Code on at least an annual basis.
- Each GPO’s conflict of interest policies shall include a policy to ensure that it does not have any Corporate Equity Interest *** in any participating vendor unless the acquisition of such Corporate Equity Interest demonstrably benefits the GPO’s members, the GPO discloses such equity interest to its members in writing, and the GPO imposes no obligation, commitment or other requirements or restrictions that in any way obligates a member to purchase goods or services from such participating vendor.
- Each GPO’s conflict of interest and disclosure policies related to administrative fees shall include:
- A policy that ensures the receipt of administrative fees from vendors do not encroach upon the best interests of the GPO’s members;
- A policy that requires it to have a written agreement with each member authorizing it to act as their purchasing agent to negotiate contracts with vendors to furnish goods or services to each member;
- A policy to disclose in writing to each member or member’s agent that it receives payments from participating vendors with respect to purchases made by or on behalf of such member;
- A policy that requires it annually to disclose all administrative fees received from vendors for contracting activities with respect to purchases made by the respective member; and
- A policy that requires it annually to disclose all payments received from any vendor in the course of the GPO’s group purchasing activities, but not allocable or otherwise reported with respect to the actual purchases of that or any other member.
- Each GPO’s policies to ensure an open and competitive purchasing process shall include:
- A requirement to publicly post on its website or through other appropriate means information about its contracting process and contract opportunities;
- A policy to ensure a fair and unbiased system for evaluating healthcare products and services being considered for procurement;
- A policy that allows its members to communicate directly with all vendors and evaluate their products, regardless of whether the vendor has a contract with the GPO;
- A policy that allows its members to purchase medical products from vendors that do not contract with the GPO;
- A policy that establishes a vendor grievance procedure;
- A policy to ensure the appropriate use of bundling, length of contracts, and sole or dual source contracts; and
- A policy that promotes diversity among vendors to small, women and minority-owned vendors.
5. Each GPO shall have the responsibility to each other to share their best practices in implementing the Principles; each Signatory shall participate in an annual Best Practices Forum.
- Each GPO’s Best Practices Forum participation shall include sending an appropriate number of participants including senior executives to actively participate in the annual Best Practices Forum.
6. Each GPO shall be accountable to the public.
- Each GPO’s responsibilities shall include:
- Ensuring its CEO and Compliance Officer annually certify to the Initiative that it is in compliance with The Healthcare Group Purchasing Code of Conduct Principles;
- Submitting its response to the Initiative’s Annual Public Accountability Questionnaire on a timely basis; and
- Ensuring its CEO and Compliance Officer annually certify to the Initiative that these individuals have reviewed and approved the GPO’s Public Accountability response.
** Nominal Value shall mean any item, service or other thing of value (not including cash or cash equivalents) that does not exceed $50 per instance or $100 in any given calendar year.
** Individual Equity Interest is defined as securities, options, warrants, debt instruments (including loans), or rights to acquire any of the foregoing, provided, however that the term shall not include: (a) interests in publicly held mutual funds or (b) interests held in a blind trust in which all investment decisions are independently managed by a third party and the existence and trust terms are fully disclosed to the appropriate governing body to ensure that neutrality of the GPO contracting decisions are protected.
*** Corporate Equity Interest shall mean securities, options, warrants, debt instruments (including loans), or rights to acquire the foregoing.
Independent Evaluation
HGPII, as well as the individual member GPOs, actively promote the use of competitive contracting processes to maximize value and quality to GPO members ensuring all vendors are treated in a fair and unbiased manner. (The contracting processes utilized by each individual GPO to competitively solicit proposals from and award contracts to vendors or to evaluate new technology submissions from and award new technology contracts to vendors is referred to as the “GPO Contract Process”.) In an effort to provide vendors with a forum to voice complaints regarding award decisions, each GPO, as a condition of its membership in HGPII, has agreed to participate in a two-step review process. The first step is a formal, published process established by each GPO to review vendor concerns (the “GPO Grievance Process”).
Although individual GPO Grievance Processes vary, each is designed to provide vendors with an understanding of the bid process, foster respect for member decision-making, and provide an opportunity for vendors to raise discrepancies that might have occurred during the process. In the vast majority of instances, this process will be sufficient to address a vendor’s concerns. Where a vendor continues to have concerns they may request an independent and unbiased third-party evaluation through the HGPII Independent Evaluation (HGPII Evaluation).
It is important to note the HGPII Evaluation is not intended to resolve contractual disputes or review clinical evaluations or other decisions that are the purview of a GPO Member Council. Because GPO Members are both the final decision-makers and the ultimate purchasers of product, actions taken pursuant to a HPGII Evaluation outcome may be subject to review and final approval by a Member Council. (Vendors should review each GPO Vendor Grievance Process and/or code of conduct for information regarding Member Council review.)
In order to facilitate the HGPII Evaluation and insure independency, HGPII utilizes the services of the American Arbitration Association® (AAA), an organization that provides alternative dispute resolution services. A Neutral is chosen by AAA from a list of neutral experts maintained by AAA. The Neutral evaluates the issues in dispute and provides an unbiased opinion. By following the process outlined herein and utilizing neutral experts vetted and selected by AAA, the vendor is assured a fully independent review.1
The role of the Neutral is to review vendor complaints and provide an evaluation as to whether the Vendor failed to receive an award as a result of a failure of the GPO to follow principles of the applicable GPO Contract Process. The Neutral may make recommendations regarding a GPO Contract Process, applying a reasonable business standard. The Neutral will not review business decisions or decisions that are the purview of a Member Council, such as clinical evaluations or scoring. Further, the Neutral shall have no authority to provide an evaluation regarding the legality of a GPO Contract Process or GPO Grievance Process.
The HGPII Evaluation is available for vendor complaints associated with awards for GPO national contracts. Bids or new technology submissions conducted and/or reviewed by a GPO at the request of and exclusively for an individual hospital or a distinct group of identifiable hospitals are conducted pursuant to criteria and processes that are established and overseen by such hospital or group. Accordingly, such processes and awards are not subject to review through the HGPII Evaluation.
All HGPII Member GPOs have agreed to participate in the HGPII Evaluation. HGPII will facilitate requests for HGPII Evaluation brought against a non-HGPII Member provided such GPO has also agreed to participate.
Pre-award – Occurs when a Vendor has been informed prior to a contract award announcement that it will not receive an award relative to a competitively-bid Request for Proposal (RFP) – e.g., the vendor failed to meet minimum bid requirements.
Post-award – Occurs when a Vendor is informed concurrently with or after the award announcement that it will not receive an award.
New Technology – Occurs when a Vendor is denied a contract award following submission of a request for a contract award for New Technology.
1.Prior to initiating a HGPII Evaluation, the Vendor must first submit its complaint to and complete the GPO’s formal, published grievance process (“GPO Grievance Process”).
2.Within five business days following receipt of the decision rendered by the GPO as a result of the GPO Grievance Process, the Vendor shall send to AAA (with a copy each to the HGPII Coordinator and to the applicable GPO’s ethics and compliance officer) the following information:
- The Vendor’s executed agreement relative to HGPII Evaluation in the form attached;
- The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the parties and their representatives;
- A copy of the decision rendered by the GPO at the conclusion of its formal grievance process;
- An executed Confidentiality Agreement; and,
- The case setup fees as set out below.
3.The HGPII Evaluation will be conducted pursuant to the rules of the HGPII Evaluation process and the AAA’s Early Neutral Evaluation Procedures.
4.AAA will facilitate communication among the parties, ensure that AAA is in possession of all necessary documentation, and provide other assistance as necessary to facilitate the prompt conclusion of the HGPII Evaluation.
5.AAA will select a single Neutral, and will provide biographical information on the proposed Neutral to the parties.
No person shall serve as a Neutral in any dispute in which that person has any financial or personal interest in the result of the HGPII Evaluation, except by the written consent of all parties. Prior to accepting an appointment, the prospective Neutral shall disclose any circumstance likely to create a presumption of bias or prevent a prompt meeting with the parties. Upon receipt of such information, AAA shall either replace the Neutral or immediately communicate the information to the parties for their comments. In the event that a party objects to the Neutral or the appointed Neutral is unable to serve promptly, AAA will appoint another Neutral.
The Neutral will work with the parties in setting forth an appropriate schedule for exchanging initial written statements and submitting those to the Neutral. The initial statement shall describe the substance of the complaint, the parties’ view of the issues, key evidence and any other information that may be useful to the Neutral. The GPO shall also provide the Neutral any assertions of Disqualifying Factors, as set out below. The Neutral and the parties will decide on the length and extent of the initial written statements. Each party shall provide copies of its initial written statement and Disqualifying Factors, if any, to the other party. The parties may mutually agree to have the Neutral make a determination based on their written submission.
6.Prior to the start of an Evaluation Session the Neutral shall review the assertions of Disqualifying Factors and may, based on the written submissions, make a determination that a Disqualifying Factor exists, in which event no further review by the Neutral will take place. The Vendor may, at its discretion, submit to the Neutral its written response in opposition to the GPO’s assertion of Disqualifying Factors, which shall be taken into consideration by the Neutral in making a determination. The Neutral may, at his/her discretion, refrain from making an initial determination of Disqualifying Factors, but continue to take the GPO’s assertion of Disqualifying Factors into consideration throughout the process. If at any time during the process the Neutral determines that a Disqualifying Factor exists, the Neutral shall advise the parties of such determination, at which point the HGPII Evaluation shall be deemed concluded. Notwithstanding a determination of a Disqualifying Factor, the Neutral may, in his/her sole discretion, make recommendations, utilizing a reasonable business standard, regarding the GPO Contract Process or GPO Grievance Process.
7. An in person Evaluation Session with the Neutral is preferred; however, the parties may meet with the Neutral by teleconference or videoconference upon the mutual agreement of the parties. The Neutral shall facilitate communication amongst the parties to identify a convenient location for the in person Evaluation Session or teleconference or videoconference. Such Evaluation Session shall be scheduled at an agreed upon time and place, each party to bear its own travel and other costs. At the meeting, teleconference, or videoconference, each party will present its claims or defenses and describe the principal evidence on which they are based verbally and through the use of documents or other media . The Evaluation Session is informal and the rules of evidence do not apply. Each party shall have in attendance throughout the Evaluation Session a representative with settlement authority. There is no formal examination or cross-examination of witnesses and the presentations and discussions will not be recorded.
8.Unless the parties and Neutral agree to another timeline, a written evaluation will be rendered within five business days after the conclusion of the proceedings and no later than 60 calendar days following AAA’s receipt of the request for a HGPII Evaluation. The Neutral may also present their HGPII Evaluation verbally with the consent of both the request of any party. After the receipt of the HGPII Evaluation, the parties can make further inquiry about issues and points made in the evaluation.
The timelines established within the HGPII Evaluation process are designed to ensure a prompt and expedient resolution of the complaint.
Neither the Neutral, the Coordinator, nor any party hereto shall divulge confidential information disclosed to them by the parties or by witnesses in the course of the HGPII Evaluation. All records, reports or other documents received by the Neutral while serving in that capacity shall be confidential.
Neither the Neutral nor the Coordinator shall be compelled to divulge such records or to testify in regard to the HGPII Evaluation in any adversary proceeding or judicial forum. Notwithstanding the above, the Neutral and the Coordinator may make available information related to a HGPII Evaluation, including a copy of the Neutral’s evaluation, pursuant to the request or inquiry of a duly authorized governmental body, provided that prior notice is provided to each party whose documents and information is requested along with a copy of the specific materials that are to be disclosed, and provided further that confidentiality is requested for the materials being disclosed.
The parties shall maintain the confidentiality of the HGPII Evaluation and shall not rely on or introduce as evidence in any arbitral, judicial or other proceeding:
- Views expressed or suggestions made by another party with respect to a possible settlement of the dispute which takes place during the HGPII Evaluation;
- Admissions made by another party in the course of the HGPII Evaluation proceedings;
- Proposals made or views expressed by the Neutral; or
- The fact that another party had or had not indicated willingness to accept a proposal for settlement made by the Neutral.
Neither HGPII, AAA, nor any Neutral is a necessary party in judicial proceedings relating to the subject of the Evaluation.
Neither HGPII, AAA, nor any Neutral shall be liable to any party for any act or omission in connection with any HGPII Evaluation.
The following Disqualifying Factors shall be taken into consideration by the Neutral, as set out herein:
- Complaints that are general in nature and do not state a specific failure to adhere to the GPO Contract Process.
- An allegation that the GPO Contract Process or award decision is in violation of law, is inadequate or otherwise inappropriate. Allegations of this nature should be brought to the attention of the Coordinator.
- A failure by the Vendor to submit a response to a RFP (or other required documentation) by the deadline specified in the RFP instructions, or other failures to satisfy procedural or minimum requirements, including but not limited to a failure of the parties to reach mutually agreeable contract terms.
- vFailure of a Vendor to meet established time lines for filing a request for HGPII Evaluation (as set forth above).
- Any complaint related to a request for a New Technology award where the Vendor failed to respond to a previous RFP for that product which met the description of their product and their product was being marketed at the time of the RFP.
- The Vendor has failed to cooperate with the Neutral during the HGPII Evaluation, including without limitation the failure to provide requested information in a timely manner.
- The Vendor failed to complete the GPO Grievance Process.
- Any complaint relative to a RFP and/or award that already has been the subject of a HGPII Evaluation in relation to the same Vendor.
- Complaints related to award decisions or other actions associated with the RFP that are the subject of litigation. If, during the course of the HGPII Evaluation process, either party files suit against the other, then the HGPII Evaluation shall immediately cease and all submitted materials will be immediately returned to the submitting party.
The HGPII Evaluation is designed to provide a Vendor with an independent evaluation of its complaint. The evaluation shall reflect the Neutral’s opinion regarding the Vendor’s response to the RFP and the GPO’s review and evaluation of such response in relation to the underlying RFP, the GPO Contract Process, and the GPO Grievance Process. The Neutral will not, however, provide any opinion relative to decisions reached by a Member or Member Council in connection with the applicable RFP. In addition, the Neutral may, in his/her discretion, provide recommendations regarding the GPO Contract Process and/or the GPO Grievance Process.
In the event the Neutral issues an opinion that (i) the GPO Contract Process was not followed AND (ii) as a result the Vendor was denied a contract award, then the GPO shall, subject to the individual GPO Contract Process, either award a contract to the Vendor, bid or re-bid the product or product category, or submit the HGPII Evaluation to the appropriate GPO Member Council for reevaluation of the award decision, taking into account the HGPII Evaluation. Within five business days following receipt of the Neutral’s evaluation, the GPO shall notify the Vendor and the Coordinator of whether the GPO is awarding a contract, bidding or re-bidding the product or product category, or submitting the HGPII Evaluation to the appropriate GPO Member Council. In the event the GPO submits the HGPII Evaluation opinion to its Member Council, the GPO shall make all reasonable efforts to facilitate a prompt meeting and decision of such Member Council. Notification of the Member Council decision shall be provided to the Vendor and Coordinator within five business days of the Member Council reaching a decision.
In the event the Coordinator, upon receipt of the Neutral’s evaluation, believes that a HGPII GPO member has failed in a material and serious degree to observe the HGPII Principles, or has engaged in conduct materially and seriously prejudicial to the interest of HGPII, the Coordinator shall review and discuss such complaints with the GPO and shall take such action as the Coordinator deems necessary and prudent pursuant to the By-Laws of the HGPII.
No party shall have any obligation to amend or otherwise change policies or practices in response to recommendations made by the Neutral. However, parties are encouraged to consider such recommendations in the context of industry best practices, reasonable business practices, and GPO member needs and input.
Retaliation against any Vendor who, in good faith, requests review pursuant to a GPO Grievance Process or the HGPII Evaluation is prohibited. Concerns regarding retaliation should be brought to the attention of the Coordinator. (Contact information is set out below.)
A non-refundable case set-up fee per party is charged by AAA. In addition, a non-refundable case set-up fee per party is charged by HGPII. In addition to the case set-up fees, the Neutral shall charge, at their published rate, for conference, review and study time, as well as for expenses. The Neutral may assess all charges to one party or divide the obligation for the Neutral’s charges between the parties based on the Neutral’s evaluation of culpability. Each party is responsible for its own costs, including legal fees, incurred in connection with the HGPII Evaluation.
Before the commencement of the HGPII Evaluation, AAA shall estimate anticipated total cost and each party shall be required to pay its portion of the case set-up fees and an amount equal to the Neutral’s estimated charges prior to the HGPII Evaluation. When the HGPII Evaluation is concluded, AAA shall render an accounting in accordance with the assessment of fees as determined by the Neutral and shall return any unexpended balance to the applicable party. In the event a party is determined to owe more in fees than has previously been paid to AAA, such party shall pay the difference to AAA within 5 business days of receipt of notification of fees due.
The Coordinator shall set out in HGPII’s annual report a summary report including the number of HGPII Evaluation requests received, the number of evaluations conducted and the number of requests which were denied as a result of disqualifying factors. The Coordinator may, in his/her discretion provide general information regarding types of complaints, however, any such information shall be blinded as to the names of the parties and as to any information that might otherwise identify any party to a HGPII Evaluation.
Each HGPII GPO shall provide information regarding its GPO Grievance Process, as well as information regarding its participation in and outcomes of any HGPII Evaluations in its responses to the HGPII Annual Public Accountability Questionnaire.
All notices and other communications to any party hereunder shall be in writing and shall be given to such party at its address set forth on the signature page hereof. Each such notice or other communication shall be effective if given:
(i) by mail, 48 hours after such communication is deposited in the mail with first class postage prepaid,
(ii) by nationally recognized overnight courier, 24 hours after sending, or
(iii) by any other means when delivered.
“AAA” means the American Arbitration Association.
“Coordinator” means the Initiative Coordinator of HGPII.
“GPO” means a healthcare group purchasing organization.
“GPO Contract Process” means the contracting process utilized by an individual GPO (i) to competitively solicit proposals from and award contracts to Vendors or (ii) to evaluate New Technology submissions from and award New Technology contracts to Vendors.
“GPO Grievance Process” means the published process established by a GPO to review a Vendor complaint.
“HGPII” means the Healthcare Group Purchasing Industry Initiative.
“HGPII Evaluation” means the HGPII Vendor Request for Independent Evaluation.
“HGPII Principles” means the principles established by HGPII that underscore the healthcare group purchasing industry’s commitment to use ethical business practices to help healthcare providers provide quality patient care at the most manageable cost.
“Member” means a healthcare provider that is a member of client of a GPO.
“Member Council” means a group or committee comprised of GPO Members that is responsible for clinical review, award determination and, where applicable, final review of the HGPII Evaluation.
“Neutral” means an independent third-party reviewer as determined by AAA.
“New Technology” means the definition set out in an individual GPO’s New Technology Process.
“New Technology Process” means the process by which an individual GPO evaluates and awards contracts for New Technology.
“RFP” or “Request for Proposal” means an invitation to submit a proposal/bid issued by a GPO pursuant to a GPO Contract Process.
“Vendor” means a supplier that seeks a contract award from a GPO pursuant to a RFP or through a New Technology Process.
The Healthcare Group Purchasing Initiative (HGPII) was established in 2005 by the nation’s nine major healthcare group purchasing organizations (GPOs). These GPOs pledged to adopt and implement a set of principles for business ethics and conduct that acknowledges and expresses their responsibilities to the public as well as to government entities which fund healthcare services in the United States.
Healthcare GPOs are an essential link in the supply chain of healthcare providers such as hospitals, clinics, and other delivery organizations. GPOs aggregate the purchasing activity of their members, thereby lowering costs in both the purchasing activity itself and in the prices at which products and services are purchased. GPOs also enable members to coordinate the collection of data, facilitate an improvement of systems essential to the quality of care as well as an overall reduction of costs.
By joining HGPII, member organizations pledge to follow both a set of Core Principles established by the Initiative and to participate in an ongoing dialogue with other GPOs and various organizations, such as the Department of Health and Human Services, regarding the most effective policies and procedures for implementing these Principles.
The HGPII Principles are:
- Each Signatory shall have and adhere to a written code of business conduct. The code establishes high ethical values and sound business practices for the Signator’s group purchasing organization.
- Each Signatory shall train all within the organization as to their personal responsibilities under the code.
- Each Signatory commits itself to work toward the twin goals of high quality healthcare and cost effectiveness.
- Each Signatory commits itself to work toward an open and competitive purchasing process free of conflicts of interest and any undue influences.
- Each Signatory shall have the responsibility to each other to share their best practices in implementing the Principles; each Signatory shall participate in an annual Best Practices Forum.
- Each Signatory, through its participation in this Initiative, shall be accountable to the public.
As they pursue these Principles, Signatories take a leading role in making the Principles a standard for the entire healthcare group purchasing industry, and a model for other healthcare industries.
Annual Public Accountability Questionnaire
On an annual basis, each Signatory organization files a report with the HGPII Coordinator that responds to the Annual Public Accountability Questionnaire (PAQ). These reports are available to the public, and are used by the HGPII Coordinator to compile a summary report on the adherence of Signatories to the Principles, as well as evolving Best Practices in fulfillment of the Principles. The PAQ captures information about each Member GPO’s business practices, codes of conduct, conflict of interest policies, fee structure, bid process, and many other in-depth issue areas.
HGPII consists of a Steering Committee, a Working Group, and an Initiative Coordinator that govern the Initiative.
The Steering Committee, which consist of the CEOs of all Signatory organizations, sets policies for HGPII, which are based on recommendations from the Working Group. (As the Initiative grows in size, the membership of the Steering Committee and Working Group may be limited to a representative group.)
The Working Group, which consist of one designee from each Signatory organization, is responsible for working with the HGPII Coordinator on ongoing initiatives, as well as other areas related to the management of the HGPII.
The HGPII Coordinator is the day-to-day operating officer of the organization and is responsible for planning and conducting meetings, including the annual Best Practices Forum, reviewing responses to the Annual Public Accountability Questionnaire, and preparing an annual report on the adherence of Signatories to the Principles and trends in Best Practices.
The Coordinator reviews the annual questionnaires for responsiveness, completeness, and accuracy, following up with participating organizations to recommend remedial action. The Coordinator also makes recommendations to the Working Group and the Steering Committee regarding the continued participation of organizations that do not take adequate remedial action.
Membership in HGPII is open to any healthcare GPO, including those entities in which group purchasing is only one of many activities of the organization. Upon joining HGPII, members must pledge to follow the Principles, to file the Public Accountability Questionnaire annually, and to participate in the annual Best Practice Forum.
HGPII does not anticipate refusing any good faith membership application or renewals, however, it does reserve the right to refuse or suspend membership privileges for cause.
The Healthcare Group Purchasing Industry Initiative (“Initiative”) is an independent and voluntary organization created to establish and assure implementation of the highest ethical standards and business conduct practices in the healthcare group purchasing industry. Each Signatory of the Initiative pledges to follow a set of six core ethical and business principles, to report annually on adherence to these Principles using an Annual Public Accountability Questionnaire, and to participate in an Annual Best Practices Forum to discuss best ethical and business conduct practices with other GPO representatives and interested parties. The six core principles underscore the healthcare group purchasing industry’s commitment to use ethical business practices to help healthcare providers provide quality patient care at the most manageable cost.
The Initiative’s six core principles are:
1. Each Signatory shall have and adhere to a written code of business conduct. The code establishes high ethical values and sound business practices for the Signatory’s group purchasing organization.
2. Each Signatory shall train all within the organization as to their personal responsibilities under the code.
3. Each Signatory commits itself to work toward the twin goals of high quality healthcare and cost effectiveness.
4. Each Signatory commits itself to work toward an open and competitive purchasing process free of conflicts of interest and any undue influences.
5. Each Signatory shall have the responsibility to each other to share their best practices in implementing the Principles; each Signatory shall participate in an annual Best Practices Forum.
6. Each Signatory, through its participation in this Initiative, shall be accountable to the public.
Each Signatory is committed to the full implementation of the six core Principles and shall not take any action that would be contrary to its intent and purpose. Each Signatory agrees to fully comply with the mandatory Healthcare Group Purchasing Code of Conduct Principles set forth below.
The Initiative also tracks how participating Signatories implement the Healthcare Group Purchasing Code of Conduct Principles through the Initiative’s annual accountability process. Each Signatory submits an Annual Public Accountability Questionnaire to provide further transparency to the public regarding how each Signatory has implemented the Healthcare Group Purchasing Code of Conduct Principles. This disclosure allows government officials and the public to assess the adequacy of each organization’s ethical and business practices.
The Healthcare Group Purchasing Industry Initiative Code of Conduct Principles:
1. Each GPO shall have and adhere to a written code of business conduct. The code establishes high ethical values expected for all within the Signatory’s organization.
- Each GPO’s distribution of code of business conduct (“Code”) shall include:
- Distributing the Code to all new employees during their employee orientation; and
- Making available the Code to all clinical advisory committee members, contractors, directors, agents and vendors.
- Each GPO’s oversight of its Code shall include:
- A compliance officer to be responsible for overseeing compliance with the Code;
- A compliance committee or similar committee to advise the compliance officer and assist in the implementation of the Code;
- A mechanism whereby employees can report possible violations of the Code without fear of retribution;
- A mechanism to evaluate, investigate and resolve suspected violations of the Code;
- A process to monitor on a continuing basis, adherence to the Code;
- A process whereby adherence to the Code is measured in job performance;
- A process to inform its Board of Directors committee or other appropriate committee regarding its adherence to its Code and its commitment to The Healthcare Group Purchasing Code of Conduct Principles; and
- A process to continually measure and improve upon the value of the GPO’s Code by evaluating best practices within the healthcare group purchasing industry.
2. Each GPO shall train all within the organization as to their personal responsibilities under the code.
- Each GPO’s Code training shall include:
- Providing all new employees training on the Code and any applicable law; and
- Providing periodic compliance training, guidance and education on the Code and any applicable law to employees, committee members, directors, officers, and any applicable contracting agents.
3. Each GPO commits itself to work toward the twin goals of high quality healthcare and cost effectiveness.
- Each GPO’s policies supporting high quality healthcare and cost effectiveness shall include:
- A policy that encourages a competitive marketplace for healthcare procurement;
- A policy that encourages members to purchase future medical technology and products determined to be innovative.
- A policy that promotes the evaluation of innovative medical technology and products; and
- A policy that promotes purchase of safe medical products.
4. Each GPO commits itself to work toward an open and competitive purchasing process free of conflicts of interest and any undue influences.
- Each GPO’s conflict of interest policies related to individuals shall include:
- A requirement that employees in a position to influence the GPO contracting process not accept any gifts, entertainment, favors, honoraria, or personal service payments other than those of a Nominal Value from any participating vendor*;
- A policy prohibiting its employees who are in a position to influence the GPO contracting decisions from having an Individual Equity Interest in any participating vendor** in the contract areas they influence;
- A policy that requires that any employee not covered under Section 4(a) (ii), and any officer, director, or a member of an advisory board of a GPO who accepts any gifts, favors, honoraria or personal services payments other than those of Nominal Value from any participating vendor to disclose such transactions to the appropriate governing body and for that individual to be recused from any negotiations or decisions related to such participating vendor;
- A policy that requires that any employee not covered under Section 4(a)(ii), officer, director, or a member of an advisory board of a GPO to disclose Individual Equity Interests in any participating vendor to the appropriate governing body and for that individual to be recused from any negotiations or decisions relating to such participating vendor; and
- A policy that requires all employees, directors, officers, and members of advisory boards to disclose information regarding any conflict of interest described in its Code on at least an annual basis.
- Each GPO’s conflict of interest policies shall include a policy to ensure that it does not have any Corporate Equity Interest *** in any participating vendor unless the acquisition of such Corporate Equity Interest demonstrably benefits the GPO’s members, the GPO discloses such equity interest to its members in writing, and the GPO imposes no obligation, commitment or other requirements or restrictions that in any way obligates a member to purchase goods or services from such participating vendor.
- Each GPO’s conflict of interest and disclosure policies related to administrative fees shall include:
- A policy that ensures the receipt of administrative fees from vendors do not encroach upon the best interests of the GPO’s members;
- A policy that requires it to have a written agreement with each member authorizing it to act as their purchasing agent to negotiate contracts with vendors to furnish goods or services to each member;
- A policy to disclose in writing to each member or member’s agent that it receives payments from participating vendors with respect to purchases made by or on behalf of such member;
- A policy that requires it annually to disclose all administrative fees received from vendors for contracting activities with respect to purchases made by the respective member; and
- A policy that requires it annually to disclose all payments received from any vendor in the course of the GPO’s group purchasing activities, but not allocable or otherwise reported with respect to the actual purchases of that or any other member.
- Each GPO’s policies to ensure an open and competitive purchasing process shall include:
- A requirement to publicly post on its website or through other appropriate means information about its contracting process and contract opportunities;
- A policy to ensure a fair and unbiased system for evaluating healthcare products and services being considered for procurement;
- A policy that allows its members to communicate directly with all vendors and evaluate their products, regardless of whether the vendor has a contract with the GPO;
- A policy that allows its members to purchase medical products from vendors that do not contract with the GPO;
- A policy that establishes a vendor grievance procedure;
- A policy to ensure the appropriate use of bundling, length of contracts, and sole or dual source contracts; and
- A policy that promotes diversity among vendors to small, women and minority-owned vendors.
5. Each GPO shall have the responsibility to each other to share their best practices in implementing the Principles; each Signatory shall participate in an annual Best Practices Forum.
- Each GPO’s Best Practices Forum participation shall include sending an appropriate number of participants including senior executives to actively participate in the annual Best Practices Forum.
6. Each GPO shall be accountable to the public.
- Each GPO’s responsibilities shall include:
- Ensuring its CEO and Compliance Officer annually certify to the Initiative that it is in compliance with The Healthcare Group Purchasing Code of Conduct Principles;
- Submitting its response to the Initiative’s Annual Public Accountability Questionnaire on a timely basis; and
- Ensuring its CEO and Compliance Officer annually certify to the Initiative that these individuals have reviewed and approved the GPO’s Public Accountability response.
** Nominal Value shall mean any item, service or other thing of value (not including cash or cash equivalents) that does not exceed $50 per instance or $100 in any given calendar year.
** Individual Equity Interest is defined as securities, options, warrants, debt instruments (including loans), or rights to acquire any of the foregoing, provided, however that the term shall not include: (a) interests in publicly held mutual funds or (b) interests held in a blind trust in which all investment decisions are independently managed by a third party and the existence and trust terms are fully disclosed to the appropriate governing body to ensure that neutrality of the GPO contracting decisions are protected.
*** Corporate Equity Interest shall mean securities, options, warrants, debt instruments (including loans), or rights to acquire the foregoing.
HGPII, as well as the individual member GPOs, actively promote the use of competitive contracting processes to maximize value and quality to GPO members ensuring all vendors are treated in a fair and unbiased manner. (The contracting processes utilized by each individual GPO to competitively solicit proposals from and award contracts to vendors or to evaluate new technology submissions from and award new technology contracts to vendors is referred to as the “GPO Contract Process”.) In an effort to provide vendors with a forum to voice complaints regarding award decisions, each GPO, as a condition of its membership in HGPII, has agreed to participate in a two-step review process. The first step is a formal, published process established by each GPO to review vendor concerns (the “GPO Grievance Process”).
Although individual GPO Grievance Processes vary, each is designed to provide vendors with an understanding of the bid process, foster respect for member decision-making, and provide an opportunity for vendors to raise discrepancies that might have occurred during the process. In the vast majority of instances, this process will be sufficient to address a vendor’s concerns. Where a vendor continues to have concerns they may request an independent and unbiased third-party evaluation through the HGPII Independent Evaluation (HGPII Evaluation).
It is important to note the HGPII Evaluation is not intended to resolve contractual disputes or review clinical evaluations or other decisions that are the purview of a GPO Member Council. Because GPO Members are both the final decision-makers and the ultimate purchasers of product, actions taken pursuant to a HPGII Evaluation outcome may be subject to review and final approval by a Member Council. (Vendors should review each GPO Vendor Grievance Process and/or code of conduct for information regarding Member Council review.)
In order to facilitate the HGPII Evaluation and insure independency, HGPII utilizes the services of the American Arbitration Association® (AAA), an organization that provides alternative dispute resolution services. A Neutral is chosen by AAA from a list of neutral experts maintained by AAA. The Neutral evaluates the issues in dispute and provides an unbiased opinion. By following the process outlined herein and utilizing neutral experts vetted and selected by AAA, the vendor is assured a fully independent review.1
The role of the Neutral is to review vendor complaints and provide an evaluation as to whether the Vendor failed to receive an award as a result of a failure of the GPO to follow principles of the applicable GPO Contract Process. The Neutral may make recommendations regarding a GPO Contract Process, applying a reasonable business standard. The Neutral will not review business decisions or decisions that are the purview of a Member Council, such as clinical evaluations or scoring. Further, the Neutral shall have no authority to provide an evaluation regarding the legality of a GPO Contract Process or GPO Grievance Process.
The HGPII Evaluation is available for vendor complaints associated with awards for GPO national contracts. Bids or new technology submissions conducted and/or reviewed by a GPO at the request of and exclusively for an individual hospital or a distinct group of identifiable hospitals are conducted pursuant to criteria and processes that are established and overseen by such hospital or group. Accordingly, such processes and awards are not subject to review through the HGPII Evaluation.
All HGPII Member GPOs have agreed to participate in the HGPII Evaluation. HGPII will facilitate requests for HGPII Evaluation brought against a non-HGPII Member provided such GPO has also agreed to participate.
Pre-award – Occurs when a Vendor has been informed prior to a contract award announcement that it will not receive an award relative to a competitively-bid Request for Proposal (RFP) – e.g., the vendor failed to meet minimum bid requirements.
Post-award – Occurs when a Vendor is informed concurrently with or after the award announcement that it will not receive an award.
New Technology – Occurs when a Vendor is denied a contract award following submission of a request for a contract award for New Technology.
1.Prior to initiating a HGPII Evaluation, the Vendor must first submit its complaint to and complete the GPO’s formal, published grievance process (“GPO Grievance Process”).
2.Within five business days following receipt of the decision rendered by the GPO as a result of the GPO Grievance Process, the Vendor shall send to AAA (with a copy each to the HGPII Coordinator and to the applicable GPO’s ethics and compliance officer) the following information:
- The Vendor’s executed agreement relative to HGPII Evaluation in the form attached;
- The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the parties and their representatives;
- A copy of the decision rendered by the GPO at the conclusion of its formal grievance process;
- An executed Confidentiality Agreement; and,
- The case setup fees as set out below.
3.The HGPII Evaluation will be conducted pursuant to the rules of the HGPII Evaluation process and the AAA’s Early Neutral Evaluation Procedures.
4.AAA will facilitate communication among the parties, ensure that AAA is in possession of all necessary documentation, and provide other assistance as necessary to facilitate the prompt conclusion of the HGPII Evaluation.
5.AAA will select a single Neutral, and will provide biographical information on the proposed Neutral to the parties.
No person shall serve as a Neutral in any dispute in which that person has any financial or personal interest in the result of the HGPII Evaluation, except by the written consent of all parties. Prior to accepting an appointment, the prospective Neutral shall disclose any circumstance likely to create a presumption of bias or prevent a prompt meeting with the parties. Upon receipt of such information, AAA shall either replace the Neutral or immediately communicate the information to the parties for their comments. In the event that a party objects to the Neutral or the appointed Neutral is unable to serve promptly, AAA will appoint another Neutral.
The Neutral will work with the parties in setting forth an appropriate schedule for exchanging initial written statements and submitting those to the Neutral. The initial statement shall describe the substance of the complaint, the parties’ view of the issues, key evidence and any other information that may be useful to the Neutral. The GPO shall also provide the Neutral any assertions of Disqualifying Factors, as set out below. The Neutral and the parties will decide on the length and extent of the initial written statements. Each party shall provide copies of its initial written statement and Disqualifying Factors, if any, to the other party. The parties may mutually agree to have the Neutral make a determination based on their written submission.
6.Prior to the start of an Evaluation Session the Neutral shall review the assertions of Disqualifying Factors and may, based on the written submissions, make a determination that a Disqualifying Factor exists, in which event no further review by the Neutral will take place. The Vendor may, at its discretion, submit to the Neutral its written response in opposition to the GPO’s assertion of Disqualifying Factors, which shall be taken into consideration by the Neutral in making a determination. The Neutral may, at his/her discretion, refrain from making an initial determination of Disqualifying Factors, but continue to take the GPO’s assertion of Disqualifying Factors into consideration throughout the process. If at any time during the process the Neutral determines that a Disqualifying Factor exists, the Neutral shall advise the parties of such determination, at which point the HGPII Evaluation shall be deemed concluded. Notwithstanding a determination of a Disqualifying Factor, the Neutral may, in his/her sole discretion, make recommendations, utilizing a reasonable business standard, regarding the GPO Contract Process or GPO Grievance Process.
7. An in person Evaluation Session with the Neutral is preferred; however, the parties may meet with the Neutral by teleconference or videoconference upon the mutual agreement of the parties. The Neutral shall facilitate communication amongst the parties to identify a convenient location for the in person Evaluation Session or teleconference or videoconference. Such Evaluation Session shall be scheduled at an agreed upon time and place, each party to bear its own travel and other costs. At the meeting, teleconference, or videoconference, each party will present its claims or defenses and describe the principal evidence on which they are based verbally and through the use of documents or other media . The Evaluation Session is informal and the rules of evidence do not apply. Each party shall have in attendance throughout the Evaluation Session a representative with settlement authority. There is no formal examination or cross-examination of witnesses and the presentations and discussions will not be recorded.
8.Unless the parties and Neutral agree to another timeline, a written evaluation will be rendered within five business days after the conclusion of the proceedings and no later than 60 calendar days following AAA’s receipt of the request for a HGPII Evaluation. The Neutral may also present their HGPII Evaluation verbally with the consent of both the request of any party. After the receipt of the HGPII Evaluation, the parties can make further inquiry about issues and points made in the evaluation.
The timelines established within the HGPII Evaluation process are designed to ensure a prompt and expedient resolution of the complaint.
Neither the Neutral, the Coordinator, nor any party hereto shall divulge confidential information disclosed to them by the parties or by witnesses in the course of the HGPII Evaluation. All records, reports or other documents received by the Neutral while serving in that capacity shall be confidential.
Neither the Neutral nor the Coordinator shall be compelled to divulge such records or to testify in regard to the HGPII Evaluation in any adversary proceeding or judicial forum. Notwithstanding the above, the Neutral and the Coordinator may make available information related to a HGPII Evaluation, including a copy of the Neutral’s evaluation, pursuant to the request or inquiry of a duly authorized governmental body, provided that prior notice is provided to each party whose documents and information is requested along with a copy of the specific materials that are to be disclosed, and provided further that confidentiality is requested for the materials being disclosed.
The parties shall maintain the confidentiality of the HGPII Evaluation and shall not rely on or introduce as evidence in any arbitral, judicial or other proceeding:
- Views expressed or suggestions made by another party with respect to a possible settlement of the dispute which takes place during the HGPII Evaluation;
- Admissions made by another party in the course of the HGPII Evaluation proceedings;
- Proposals made or views expressed by the Neutral; or
- The fact that another party had or had not indicated willingness to accept a proposal for settlement made by the Neutral.
Neither HGPII, AAA, nor any Neutral is a necessary party in judicial proceedings relating to the subject of the Evaluation.
Neither HGPII, AAA, nor any Neutral shall be liable to any party for any act or omission in connection with any HGPII Evaluation.
The following Disqualifying Factors shall be taken into consideration by the Neutral, as set out herein:
- Complaints that are general in nature and do not state a specific failure to adhere to the GPO Contract Process.
- An allegation that the GPO Contract Process or award decision is in violation of law, is inadequate or otherwise inappropriate. Allegations of this nature should be brought to the attention of the Coordinator.
- A failure by the Vendor to submit a response to a RFP (or other required documentation) by the deadline specified in the RFP instructions, or other failures to satisfy procedural or minimum requirements, including but not limited to a failure of the parties to reach mutually agreeable contract terms.
- vFailure of a Vendor to meet established time lines for filing a request for HGPII Evaluation (as set forth above).
- Any complaint related to a request for a New Technology award where the Vendor failed to respond to a previous RFP for that product which met the description of their product and their product was being marketed at the time of the RFP.
- The Vendor has failed to cooperate with the Neutral during the HGPII Evaluation, including without limitation the failure to provide requested information in a timely manner.
- The Vendor failed to complete the GPO Grievance Process.
- Any complaint relative to a RFP and/or award that already has been the subject of a HGPII Evaluation in relation to the same Vendor.
- Complaints related to award decisions or other actions associated with the RFP that are the subject of litigation. If, during the course of the HGPII Evaluation process, either party files suit against the other, then the HGPII Evaluation shall immediately cease and all submitted materials will be immediately returned to the submitting party.
The HGPII Evaluation is designed to provide a Vendor with an independent evaluation of its complaint. The evaluation shall reflect the Neutral’s opinion regarding the Vendor’s response to the RFP and the GPO’s review and evaluation of such response in relation to the underlying RFP, the GPO Contract Process, and the GPO Grievance Process. The Neutral will not, however, provide any opinion relative to decisions reached by a Member or Member Council in connection with the applicable RFP. In addition, the Neutral may, in his/her discretion, provide recommendations regarding the GPO Contract Process and/or the GPO Grievance Process.
In the event the Neutral issues an opinion that (i) the GPO Contract Process was not followed AND (ii) as a result the Vendor was denied a contract award, then the GPO shall, subject to the individual GPO Contract Process, either award a contract to the Vendor, bid or re-bid the product or product category, or submit the HGPII Evaluation to the appropriate GPO Member Council for reevaluation of the award decision, taking into account the HGPII Evaluation. Within five business days following receipt of the Neutral’s evaluation, the GPO shall notify the Vendor and the Coordinator of whether the GPO is awarding a contract, bidding or re-bidding the product or product category, or submitting the HGPII Evaluation to the appropriate GPO Member Council. In the event the GPO submits the HGPII Evaluation opinion to its Member Council, the GPO shall make all reasonable efforts to facilitate a prompt meeting and decision of such Member Council. Notification of the Member Council decision shall be provided to the Vendor and Coordinator within five business days of the Member Council reaching a decision.
In the event the Coordinator, upon receipt of the Neutral’s evaluation, believes that a HGPII GPO member has failed in a material and serious degree to observe the HGPII Principles, or has engaged in conduct materially and seriously prejudicial to the interest of HGPII, the Coordinator shall review and discuss such complaints with the GPO and shall take such action as the Coordinator deems necessary and prudent pursuant to the By-Laws of the HGPII.
No party shall have any obligation to amend or otherwise change policies or practices in response to recommendations made by the Neutral. However, parties are encouraged to consider such recommendations in the context of industry best practices, reasonable business practices, and GPO member needs and input.
Retaliation against any Vendor who, in good faith, requests review pursuant to a GPO Grievance Process or the HGPII Evaluation is prohibited. Concerns regarding retaliation should be brought to the attention of the Coordinator. (Contact information is set out below.)
A non-refundable case set-up fee per party is charged by AAA. In addition, a non-refundable case set-up fee per party is charged by HGPII. In addition to the case set-up fees, the Neutral shall charge, at their published rate, for conference, review and study time, as well as for expenses. The Neutral may assess all charges to one party or divide the obligation for the Neutral’s charges between the parties based on the Neutral’s evaluation of culpability. Each party is responsible for its own costs, including legal fees, incurred in connection with the HGPII Evaluation.
Before the commencement of the HGPII Evaluation, AAA shall estimate anticipated total cost and each party shall be required to pay its portion of the case set-up fees and an amount equal to the Neutral’s estimated charges prior to the HGPII Evaluation. When the HGPII Evaluation is concluded, AAA shall render an accounting in accordance with the assessment of fees as determined by the Neutral and shall return any unexpended balance to the applicable party. In the event a party is determined to owe more in fees than has previously been paid to AAA, such party shall pay the difference to AAA within 5 business days of receipt of notification of fees due.
The Coordinator shall set out in HGPII’s annual report a summary report including the number of HGPII Evaluation requests received, the number of evaluations conducted and the number of requests which were denied as a result of disqualifying factors. The Coordinator may, in his/her discretion provide general information regarding types of complaints, however, any such information shall be blinded as to the names of the parties and as to any information that might otherwise identify any party to a HGPII Evaluation.
Each HGPII GPO shall provide information regarding its GPO Grievance Process, as well as information regarding its participation in and outcomes of any HGPII Evaluations in its responses to the HGPII Annual Public Accountability Questionnaire.
All notices and other communications to any party hereunder shall be in writing and shall be given to such party at its address set forth on the signature page hereof. Each such notice or other communication shall be effective if given:
(i) by mail, 48 hours after such communication is deposited in the mail with first class postage prepaid,
(ii) by nationally recognized overnight courier, 24 hours after sending, or
(iii) by any other means when delivered.
“AAA” means the American Arbitration Association.
“Coordinator” means the Initiative Coordinator of HGPII.
“GPO” means a healthcare group purchasing organization.
“GPO Contract Process” means the contracting process utilized by an individual GPO (i) to competitively solicit proposals from and award contracts to Vendors or (ii) to evaluate New Technology submissions from and award New Technology contracts to Vendors.
“GPO Grievance Process” means the published process established by a GPO to review a Vendor complaint.
“HGPII” means the Healthcare Group Purchasing Industry Initiative.
“HGPII Evaluation” means the HGPII Vendor Request for Independent Evaluation.
“HGPII Principles” means the principles established by HGPII that underscore the healthcare group purchasing industry’s commitment to use ethical business practices to help healthcare providers provide quality patient care at the most manageable cost.
“Member” means a healthcare provider that is a member of client of a GPO.
“Member Council” means a group or committee comprised of GPO Members that is responsible for clinical review, award determination and, where applicable, final review of the HGPII Evaluation.
“Neutral” means an independent third-party reviewer as determined by AAA.
“New Technology” means the definition set out in an individual GPO’s New Technology Process.
“New Technology Process” means the process by which an individual GPO evaluates and awards contracts for New Technology.
“RFP” or “Request for Proposal” means an invitation to submit a proposal/bid issued by a GPO pursuant to a GPO Contract Process.
“Vendor” means a supplier that seeks a contract award from a GPO pursuant to a RFP or through a New Technology Process.